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How to fix policy violations in Google AdSense?

1 min read

How to fix policy violations in Google AdSense?

It’s Simple, Just Do These Things
  • Your website should be completely free of copied and pasted information.
  • Delete all software and other protected content from your website.
  • Take down all the photographs with copyrights from your website.

The causes of policy violations are movies, music, torrent sites, and copyrighted materials.

As soon as you take all of those legally protected materials off your website.


Execute as follows:

The Following Pages Should Be Added to Your Website

  • Page with Privacy and Disclaimers
  • About Us
  • Contact Us

And when you take care of all these crucial tasks, you must also be aware that you need to have a small number of high-quality articles.

  1. 25 well-written articles of 500 words each are required.
  2. No copying and pasting
  3. No software, images, videos, or other items protected by a copyright.

Once you have completed these steps, reapply and your site will be approved.

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